Author: Colin

  • COVID-19


    The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen has made many adjustments in recent months due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we have continued throughout and will continue to fulfill our mission on a daily basis.

    May 1, 2020 we introduced the evening dinner meal program. Covid-19 resulted in a temporary loss of many of the regular volunteers. However, others have stepped up and we have expanded our volunteer base.

    Financial support for the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen continues from individuals, churches, service organizations and businesses. We are most appreciative of Community Foundation and United Way grants. Thank you to everyone for their ongoing financial support that we rely on to do our work.

    “Gifts In Kind” food donations and supplies from individuals, businesses, farmers and ranchers have continued in abundance. This allows us to prepare three nutritious and delicious meals daily and also play a large role as a “Food Share” organization for Lethbridge and area. The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen “Food Share Program ” allows us to help the Food Banks in Lethbridge and neighbouring towns, needy local families, as well as the University of Lethbridge , school and church food programs and senior facilities.

    Fundraising efforts of the Board of the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen have had to be put on hold during Covid-19. When safe, the Board will again organize community fundraising events such as our annual Henderson Lake walk and raffles.